Win or Lose, The Brothers Always Show True Sportsmanship.

Written By: Tripp Vistica

Sept. 20, 2021

Every game I’ve ever watched or covered from the CBHS sideline with the Brothers head football coach, Thomas McDaniel, there is one thing that never fails after every game. No matter the outcome of the game, whether the Brothers win or lose by a point or by 50 points the Brothers always walk out of the locker room standing tall with their heads held high. They never show any anger, they never over celebrate in front of the opposing team or their fans. 

The CBHS football team under Coach McDaniel has always shown true class and real sportsmanship. Nothing more. Nothing less. Every Friday night the team shows precisely what a true Brother’s Boy is, as well as what makes the CBHS culture and community remarkable.

Following every game, the entire CBHS football team and staff gather on the field, at home in Tom Nix Stadium or on the road, to say a prayer which always ends with, “St. John Baptiste De la Salle… Pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts… Forever. Everything at Christian Brothers High School (CBHS), always begins and ends with that prayer. Every class, every student meeting, every event, and of course, every football game. 

After the Brothers say their post-game prayer on the field, they immediately head for the locker room. The CBHS football team is one that never showboats after a win, and the Brothers never display any anger, disgust, or resentment after a loss. That’s not the way we are taught to act.  Brother’s Boys are taught to always show maturity and class in everything we do, because we are representing our school, our community, and a place we can always call home which every Brother’s Boy respects. 

As Brother’s Boys, we are proud and never take it for granted, because we never want to embarrass the place molded us from boys to men, no pun intended, in only four short years. To any current CBHS student that reads this, don’t think those four years will go by slowly. Your graduation day will come faster than you could ever believe. It seems like yesterday that I was in the auditorium for Freshman Orientation, and before I could even fathom the idea of graduation, I was walking across the stage to receive my diploma. I cannot begin to explain how fast those four years go by, and whether you believe me or not, there will come a day that you miss our special campus, special friends, and those special teachers that you will remember the rest of your life. So, enjoy every second, give your all into everything you do throughout your four years as a student at CBHS. Most importantly, don’t look forward to your future while attending CBHS, prepare for it, but don’t think about tomorrow. Enjoy today.

To anyone that plays football for CBHS, always wear that helmet with pride every time you put it on. When I attend your games every Friday night and step foot inside Tom Nix Stadium it takes me back and makes me realize how fast 15 years goes by. I’d do anything to get to wear that helmet one more time and share the field with you, but it’s your time and you must soak in every moment. Don’t be looking forward to college or work after graduation. Focus on these Friday nights, because they’re going by faster than you think. That feeling you get when you storm on to the field of Tom Nix Stadium goes away.

The head coach of the New Orleans Saints, Sean Payton, said it best. 

“That feeling goes away. It goes away, and it doesn’t come every Friday night,” said Payton. “It comes when you get married. It comes when your child is born. So, you get it, but you just don’t get it every Friday night.”

Any player that reads this column, think about that for a second. Think about what it’s going to be like when you no longer where that beautiful golden helmet. When that day comes, you’re not going to want to take it off. Just ask me or any other member of 2005 CBHS football team. Our leader, Chris Mosby, was still in his uniform after our loss in the state championship game to MUS. Everyone had showered and he was still in full pads, and when asked why he’s not changing, Mosby replied, “Because I’ll never get to put this uniform on again.”

Mosby was an incredible human being and a great friend. Mosby was great friends with many people at CBHS. He loved our school. He loved that uniform. He never took playing football for CBHS for granted, and we tragically lost him only a month later. So, I want you all to think about players like Mosby, and the great players to wear that helmet before and after he did every time that you’re in that uniform. 

My reason for this column, is so that I can say to everyone of y’all, “Thank you.”

Thank you for carrying on the tradition. Thank you for acting men after every game. Thank you for making me and every Brother’s Boy in the stands or on the sideline proud of the way carry yourselves, and how y’all are a real team that cares will do anything for any teammate and knowing they’d do the same for you. Also, thank you Coach McDaniel for everything you have done and contributed to the CBHS football program. You’re the glue to our football program, and you’re doing a damn good job keeping it so tightly together.  

I know last Friday night was tough and hurt, and it will for a while. However, despite the outcome of the game, despite the, let’s call it the celebration from Briarcrest, and despite everything else that happened when that final whistle blew, you guy did what the CBHS football team. Said your team prayer, walked to the locker room with your heads held high, and came out of the locker room the same way after you did after Sheffield game. Y’all showed everyone there Friday night what real sportsmanship is, and I cannot thank you enough for that. It was very humbling for me to see, so thank you all for reminding me how things, good or bad, are handled at CBHS. They are handled together as Brother’s Boys.

This might be one of the hardest columns I’ve ever written, because it didn’t have as much to do about football or any other sport. It has to do with how proud I was of every single one y’all last Friday night. 

As I write this, I realize that this the one place I can be completely open. The pen and paper have no judgement. It simply receives my truth and allows me to turn the page. And today, this is my truth.

There’s an old saying, “You reach an age where you realize that being a man isn’t about respect or strength. It’s about being aware of all the things you touch. Children face inward, wallow in their own selfish needs. Men face out. Take action on the needs of others.”

I’m proud to say that last Friday night the team wearing purple and gold were men facing out. You took action with the way you carried yourselves after the game to show the CBHS faithful that it was one game. A tough game, but you showed everyone there last Friday night that one game cannot and will not break you. There are many more games, and maybe even a rematch in the playoffs. You showed your determination heading into this week’s game against P.U.R.E., the same way you did after the loss to Ensworth and heading into your matchup against White Station.

What I saw was a group of men taking the hard-fought loss, and continuing to face out, holding your heads up high. I also saw another group of children that wallowed in their own selfish needs, desperately needing that win because they knew that win is all they’d have at the end of the night. The knew they weren’t men like you guys. They know they don’t have the community that CBHS has. They know that they’ll never be Brother’s Boys like you, and you proved them to be correct. Not because of the final score of a single football game, but the men and brotherhood you guys will share for the rest of your lives.

I couldn’t be prouder of this 2021 CBHS football team, the leaders and captains, the coaches, and especially Coach McDaniel. The best thing to ever happen to CBHS and our football program that I can remember in my lifetime.

So, keep it up Brothers. You got P.U.R.E. this Friday, followed by you first away game of the season. The season is far from over. If I can give just one piece of advice, it’s finish strong. Be the toughest team when the playoffs come, because it’s not always the best team that wins. A lot of times it’s the hottest team entering the playoffs, just look at the 2020 Tampa Bay Buccaneers. No one thought they could beat the Saints in the Divisional round or the Packers in the NFC Championship Game, and no one gave them a chance against the Chiefs in the Super Bowl, but they were the hottest team entering the playoffs and now they’re the defending Super Bowl Champions. 

Finish strong, and give everything you have in the playoffs, because this can still be championship season. Lastly, don’t forget that MUS is still on the schedule, and every year the MUS vs. CBHS football has something very special attached to it. Bragging rights.

So, I just want to say one more time how proud I am of this year’s team, and that the season is far from over. I still believe this is our year because teams won’t be prepared for us when our Senior starting quarterback, Ashton Strother, returns to the lineup. The other teams don’t have much game tape to study on Strother this year. When Strother returns, I don’t think anyone we play will be prepared for what he will bring to our offense to go along with Senior running back, Dallan Hayden, and our overwhelming offensive line lead by Senior left tackle, Patrick Kutas. 

But no matter the final outcome come season’s end, this 2021 CBHS football team is one to remember for the way they have carried themselves all season, win or lose. They have proven to be true Brother’s Boys and real men. I’m proud of everyone of y’all and honored for the opportunity to cover your games this season, and no number of wins or losses will change that. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Making us all proud to be Brother’s Boys.