Another Semester at the Study Abroad Fair

By: Tripp Vistica

Feb. 6, 2019

Every semester the University of Memphis holds their first study abroad fair during the second week of classes in the lobby of the Michael D. Rose theatre on the University’s main campus to provide students with information about studying abroad and the different programs that are offered. 

This semester, the first study abroad fair held on the University of Memphis’ campus was held on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2019. 

Inside the theatre, the lobby was lined with tables on both sides of the room. Each table had at least one representative, and brochures to hand out to students interested in their study abroad program. 

“College is the perfect time to travel, and see other parts of the world, because when you graduate you are going to have to find a job and you won’t have the time or money to travel,” said Ashley Schaller, a senior journalism student at the University of Memphis. 

Schaller participated in the journalism based foreign exchange program in Mainz, Germany. The journalism exchange program at the University of Memphis is headed by Professor Otis Sanford. 

“The program offers scholarship opportunities that make this particular study abroad program cheaper than most,” Schaller said. 

The University of Memphis’ study abroad advisor, Elizabeth Langston mentioned the different kind of programs offered through the University of Memphis and private study abroad companies, like CEA Study Abroad. 

“About 180 University of Memphis students attended the study abroad fair last week,” Langston said, “and about 350 University of Memphis student’s study abroad per year.”

The University of Memphis offer programs that focus on specific majors, from sports journalism to finance and everything in between. They also offer programs that allow you to earn generic credit hours for a college degree.

Langston informed and explained the different types of opportunities offered by the University of Memphis to study abroad when she visited our class on Monday, Jan. 28, 2019. 

“A student can go abroad for only a month and return with six credit hours,” Langston said, “like if you need some Spanish credit hours, you can go to Costa Rica for a month and get a tan while earning your Spanish credits for the foreign language requirements of your degree.”

Also, Langston explained the way the local people in different countries around the world view and treat American students while they are studying abroad. “People are welcome to American people,” Langston said, “They have an idea about American politics, and the locals of that country will probably ask you about American politics and whether you agree or disagree.” 

The University of Memphis is willing to work with students who want to study abroad, but don’t think it is affordable. The University offers all types of financial help, like scholarships and student exchange programs. 

Ms. Langston, and the University of Memphis will help a student any way they can to help them be able to afford studying abroad. In some cases, they can make studying abroad cost around the same price as the tuition for the University of Memphis. 

Langston said, “The University of Memphis offers featured programs.” 

The Study Abroad office is located in room 133 in Dunn Hall. All deadlines can be found on